Sunday, February 1, 2009

healthful food

kind of kind of healthy food

Science has found that the human body's organs with specific functions and processes that work according to the laws of a particular nature. This natural law, if dituruti, will keep the body healthy and working in a normal level. Deviate from this natural law can provide a destructive influence on the human body. We were created to become a vegetarian. There are differences between herbivora (animal plant eater) and karnivora (animal meat eater), for example:

Mouth. Human small mouth open, while animals such as dog meat eater have a wide-open mouth, so segumpal large meat can enter the mouth.

the order of the teeth. Humans have teeth that cut sharply Series molar with a flat or even used to chew food and destroy the same as animals herbivora (plant eater). On another aspect, the meat eater (karnivora) has a long canine teeth, strong and sharp to grasp and tear up the meat. it canine is sharp teeth in the side until near the jaw that is used to cut meat.

jaw movement. Movement direction meat eater jaw open and close it. On the other hand, animal plant eater has three different jaw movement - vertically or up and down to the side, or side-to side and front to back to the clan, such as humans.

intestine. Meat eater have a simple stomach, small intestine is short, and the large intestine is short, straight and slippery. On the other hand, plants have the capacity consumer stomach with a larger portion of the often-complex, such as stomach domestic cattle / beef of the double-fold. The small intestine is very long and the large intestine long and slippery. Human intestine is not shaped like the meat eater.

path sweat. Plant eater sweating through the skin the same as human, animal and meat eater sweating through the mouth. Human saliva contains enzyme ptilin, as animal plant eater, which is used to mencerna flour, starch. Human drink water with the smoke / inhale, such as the plant eater. While all animal meat eater breathe with their tongue. Human bile salt, such as animal and plant eater not like meat eater.


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